TASI Translations

Languages in progress
- Albanian
- Bengali
- Japanese
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
If you do not see the language you were looking for or a translation does not meet your needs(for example, regional dialect is different), you are welcome to create a new translation. The requirements are as follows:
- Rights of the TASI are retained by the original authors. The translation must retain the original TASI copyright at the bottom of the document. It is recommended that translators add a line below the original copyright naming the translator(s) and date of the translation, but this is not required.
- All translators are required to submit the final translation to the TASI authors in PDF format, by emailing the document to [email protected]. We retain the right to post all translations to this website for free download by other users.
- The process we recommend for translation is to have someone bilingual translate, and then a second bilingual person who hasn’t seen the English version back translate into English. Discrepancies can be identified and fixed through further translation-back translation procedures. This can be repeated as needed until the back-translation is equivalent to the original English.
Please note: We ask that you translate the full TASI in order for us to post it here. The TASI interview, manual, and scoring document, should be sent in individual PDF files.
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